Super Hero Giveaway! 

Morning all, as it’s the Hollibobs and I’m feeling very generous thought we’d have a bit of fun, and a giveaway! 

Here’s the deal… 

The winner will be chosen at complete random and will win 4 SUPERHERO CAPES OF THEIR CHOICE!!!!!!!!! 

Don’t forget if you’re not lucky enough to be a winner you can order capes at just £4.99 by dropping me an email at 

Good luck my gorgeous little superhero friends! 
Don’t forget to comment and share!!


Kindness Jar 

So it’s the Hollibobs and its raining!! Booooo 

Don’t know about your Kidkets, but ours always take a few days to settle, to get used to being with each other all the time, and to remember we actually have 6 weeks to do ALL the stuff they want to do! 

I was rudely awoken this morning by the littlest kidlet who shoved a bottle of PVA glue and news paper under my nose and shouted “Let’s do paper mâché mummy!!” 

Now don’t get me wrong, I love a bit of chaos and mess, PVA glue is probably up there in my top 10 favourite things, just not at 7am on the second day of the holidays! 

So… I had a little thought about how I could help the kidlets to speed up the settling into holiday routine! 

We came up with the kindness and helpful pot! 

The kids decided on the things they needed to do in order to earn a piece of lego to pop into the pot. 

 They then made a poster each…  




We chatted about the reward, the oldest little duckling suggested that today each piece of lego could be a minute of TV later! (Sounds perfect to me!) It’s amazing how such a simple idea can make such a huge impact!! 

I wonder what tomorrow’s reward will be? Let’s hope some glorious sunshine